Cupid's Valentine Pillow

A little quilting, a little embroidery…Cupid’s Valentine Gift for you or your love!


  • 1/3 yard of white cotton

  • Scraps of pretty Valentine fabrics

  • 1 package of red rickrack

  • Medium weight tear-away stabilizer

  • Fiberfill

  • Quilt batting

  • Water soluble marking pen


  1. Begin the pillow by deciding what to embroider on the pillow top. Maybe LOVE, XOX, or perhaps,

  2. KISS. The font I used is built into many Baby Lock Sewing Machines, it measures 5 ½” tall, but any font would work. Now, prepare and program the machine for embroidery, hoop the white cotton fabric and stabilizer, stitch out the selected word design. Gently, remove the stabilizer.

  3. From the scraps of Valentine fabrics, cut twelve 2 ½” x 2 ½” squares. Randomly lay the squares out into four rows of three squares each.

  4. Stitch the squares together into four rows; using a ¼” seam allowance, press the seams. Stitch the rows together and press well.

  5. Measure the finished size of the patch work; mine measured 8 ½” x 6 ½”. Use the 8 ½” measurement for the height when cutting out the embroidered letters. The length will vary depending on the word you embroidered, my length was 14”, and I cut the letter section 8 ½” x 14”. Stitch the letter panel to the patchwork and press well.

  6. Mark the patchwork for quilting. Layer the pillow top and a piece of quilt batting, baste the layers together. Quilt the patchwork section of the pillow top.

  7. Baste the rickrack to the pillow top edge, centering the rickrack over the ¼” seam allowance.

  8. Measure the pillow top and cut a pillow back using this measurement. Mine measured 8 ½” x 20”.

  9. Place the pillow front and back together, with right sides facing, pin securely. Once pinned, stitch the pillow together with a ¼” seam allowance. Leave an opening at the bottom edge, to allow for turning the pillow right sides out.

  10. Turn out the pillow and press. Stuff the pillow with fiberfill.

  11. Pin the small opening closed and hand-stitch with matching thread.

  12. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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